Monday, September 27, 2010

a totally awesome set of feet

These feet belong to a girl named Monster. No, really. An important side note: "Monster" is not her birth name, it is an acquired name, a term of endearment multiplied by, like, a bazillion. These feet have traveled through some hard times, and some great times, interesting and complicated times mostly via swimming, biking, and running...and some free form dancing!

And though this picture is NOT current. I. AM. USING. IT! Period. And for three solid reasons:
1. They are NOT baby feet. Amen.
2. I need to catch up to my own assignments! Good grief.
3. Who cares about 3. Reasons #1 and 2 are good enough.

- Heidi Walter


  1. Great shot! And yes I do recall that shot on Facebook, but I am not one to judge about reusing an old shot.. if it is good, it is worth sharing.

    I know that Monster... we could change her name to SweetFeet, but no.. Monster will do.

  2. I must agree, those are some totally awesome feet! And I think re-using an old photo is brilliant :)

