Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Holiday!

Hope your holidays are filled with love, friends, and family. Even if you don't really care for the holidays, you must admit you do like presents... of all shapes and sizes! So, enjoy and look forward to catching up with you both in the New Year.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bustle of Beale, and chinese

The first three are photos of Beale Street. I played a lot with a slow shutter speed if you can't tell. I like this first one because it gives the feeling of Beale street- busy and crazy.

These two I just thought I would have a little fun with and run them through my poladroid program. I have a soft spot for polaroids.

And of course you can't leave Beale without a photo of this sign:

This is from the panda exhibit at the zoo. Chinese anyone?

-by Christina

Monday, September 27, 2010

a totally awesome set of feet

These feet belong to a girl named Monster. No, really. An important side note: "Monster" is not her birth name, it is an acquired name, a term of endearment multiplied by, like, a bazillion. These feet have traveled through some hard times, and some great times, interesting and complicated times mostly via swimming, biking, and running...and some free form dancing!

And though this picture is NOT current. I. AM. USING. IT! Period. And for three solid reasons:
1. They are NOT baby feet. Amen.
2. I need to catch up to my own assignments! Good grief.
3. Who cares about 3. Reasons #1 and 2 are good enough.

- Heidi Walter

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Catching up-Hands

The weeks are flying by and suddenly I'm way behind! I took this the week "hands" was our assignment with that in mind but thought I might take a few more hand photos before I I am with just one. But, I like it so here it is:

Again, another baby photo. I do plan on non-baby photos for the next two assignments so wish me luck!

by Christina

Monday, September 20, 2010

Words. Letters. Signs. Text.

Our next project involves text...and I'm not talking about a form of cell phone communication. I'm talking about the art behind visual communication. Neon signs. Street signs. Billboards. Adds. Store fronts. Etc, etc, etc. Go out and find you some letters. Mismatched and interesting text. Try to spell your name...or be ambitious and find the alphabet. Spell words that are meaningful to you like, "love." Or whatever.

This project could require a bit of cropping.

Go forth and be creative!
Happy snapping!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Studying Hands

This is my daughter. She is three and very curious about everything. She found this moth in her sandbox and brought it over to show me. Then she asked me to take a picture of it. Then she wanted to see the picture. And then, and then, and then. On, and on, and on. The wonder of discovery continues.
I love her little sandy hands. But I REALLY love that little discoveries interest her so.
Heidi Walter


This spider lives on the side of our house. He is literally (including legs) the size of my pointer finger! We have an agreement: I don't mess with him. He doesn't mess with me. We both live.
I hope he was complimented that I used him for my Yellow picture. Yuck.
Heidi Walter

More Orange!

This is why God didn't give me boobs! He knew I wouldn't be able to handle the responsibility!
Ha! I went running this morning and wore this orange hat...then I found these two balloons I had blown up for my children to play with! And whalaa! Instantly inspired! This is for laughs only!
Any one laughing besides me?


I love the composition of this picture.
Call me crazy, but I like the mood, and the lines and the red focal point.
Heidi Walter

Baby BLUE's

Use what you have...well, I have babies! Naked babies!
Heidi Walter

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Baby Toes... Anything Small is Cute

Babies are so cute and I took these hoping the assignment after hands would be feet! I also thought I needed to post first since you both have kids! And of course I could not pick only one!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Thought you might enjoy seeing these!


Ha! Orange! I'm back in the game!
Photo by Heidi Walter

Week 9-ish

Feet! I bet you could have guessed this was following our last project (hands)...but our last project was eons ago. My personal apologies. So, feet. I think the population is split 50-50. Those who LOVE myself, and those who are appalled by them and think they should never see the light of day. So, do what you can with this project! In shoes or out. Painted with polish or covered in mud. On the move or on the couch.

Remember, you are an approach this project thoughtfully.

Happy snapping!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Yellow.. with a spider

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Week 8: Hands!

I think hands are just amazing. Strong. Gentle. Trained. Active. Powerful. Callous. Personal. Tender. The list goes on. Please spend some time thinking about your hands and what you use them for, even if you don't end up photographing them. Feel free to photograph any set of hands that you can get your hands on. Consider a message or an emotion. Contemplate an object that might be held.

Happy Snapping!

An act of desperation...

Yes. I know. I said 6 colors, 6 pictures. I'm going to have to play my "I have 3 kids" card and pray that it gets me off the hook. You see, my original plan was to head off to the mall and play in the shoe department. Total Bliss! Then, I realized my life is not going to allow such bliss. So, I decided to pull out my super colorful wardrobe, complete with hats and ties, and lock myself in my room and do 6 very silly self portraits. What fun! But no.

After feeding, cleaning, changing, bathing and clothing my three little ones...ALL DAY...
Fingernail polish sitting on my grocery cart... as I shop for more things to FEED and CLEAN MY CHILDREN WITH!

I need an intervention. Please. Someone. Help me.
Heidi Walter.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Purple & Orange

Another old photo (cheating I know) ... but I could not resist, it is one of my favorite shots.



My new favorite pair of shoes... Green!

so COOL & and super CUTE.. I know not quite primary green, but I just love them!

Blue, Red & a touch of Yellow

But my true favorite was the one I got in black&white


Enjoyed the shadows on this one!

If you look close you even get a self portrait of me!

It was hard to choose just one...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Five out of Six

I did procrastinate quite a bit on this one so yesterday afternoon turned into little color scavenger hunt around the house. So here they are:

(I tried to get Jason-my husband- to be my foot model for this one, but for some reason he was totally against it..ha)

They are called a red onion right?? But they look more purple to me

Caught this one while I was attempting the color Red

I know I use him a lot, but he's always around! All I did was brighten up this photo, I'm really not sure why his eyes ended up looking quite this blue. I love it though.

And yellow:
This guy was just waiting for me to take a picture of him last Friday.

And the color I didn't get was orange, but I feel pretty good about getting five of them! I'm still going to try and finish so maybe you'll see orange from me sometime soon.
by Christina

Friday, August 6, 2010

the Bride

My sister got married last weekend so we took a trip for the wedding. That is my excuse for my negecting this blog! We played around with some bridals so here is my foreground/background project:

Now I'm off to find colors...lots of them.

by Christina