Sunday, July 4, 2010

Makes me wish I could fly

This little project didn't turn out exactly how I had planned and I wish the picture looked a little better/sharper like it did in my mind..but I definitely learned a few things doing this. When I saw the subject was "fun" this was the first thing I thought of, yes, throwing Javen in the air. I think we have just as much fun as he does! Happy 4th!


  1. Makes me wish I could fly too! I LOVE this picture! I think it turned out great! His expression is perfection! Good job Mom!

    P.S. I miss you guys!

  2. Ok. I've been thinking and I think you should print this picture and send it to all your friends, including me, and family announcing that Javin is turning one! And LOVING life! If you decide against sending them to everyone- I want you to know that I still expect one. Ok? Ok!
